As of the 15th of April, any 2-year+-old child will be entitled to 15 hours of funding per week, starting in the term following their 2nd birthday. This funding is for term time only and cannot be used outside of this.
Note: The provision will be extended to babies from 9-month-old in September (more details to follow when we know more)
The consumable charge: This is a single daily payment for the funded children and charged during the funded hours only and will cover everything. It will be paid on the following basis below and charged irrespective of whether your child attends or not. This includes during sickness and the taking of any family holidays if taken during the 38 weeks of term time.
Full day attendance = £8 per day Half day attendance = £5 per half day
This will not be charged outside of term time on any attendance of your child(ren) that you book in, as these will are not funded.
They will be charged under the new rates detailed below and include all meals, snacks and resources etc.
The new pricing
As of the 1st of April, the standard new pricing will be for any other attendance outside of the eligible funded term time:
Hourly rate = £8.50 per hour
Half day rate = £34 (8am -1pm or 1pm – 6pm)
Full day rate = £52 per day (8am – 6pm)
Full week rate = £230 per week (8am – 6pm, 5 days a week)