Opening Hours
8 am – 6 pm: Monday – Friday 51 weeks of the year (closed in between Christmas and New Year). We additionally close every bank holiday.
We are neither registered nor insured outside these times so children must be collected by 1pm, if they attend in the morning and by 6pm at the end of the day.
Drop off & Collection
If you know you are going to be late please arrange for somebody else to collect your child and telephone the nursery to let us know who will be collecting.
Children must be collected on time, particularly during the overlap of morning and afternoon sessions, staff are allocated for each session and due to ratio numbers (staff per children) it makes staffing the nursery problematic if children are on the premises beyond 1pm. Parents are liable for a ‘late collection’ charge of £10 that will be added to your invoice.
If your child is going to be collected by someone other than yourself the manager will require prior notification and an agreed password.
Children's Belongings
All clothes, shoes, drink cups/bottles etc. should be clearly labelled with your child’s name using a permanent marker or labels.
Nursery Meals
We provide healthy, homecooked meals and snacks. All snacks and meals are included in our fees.
Vegetarian and special dietary requirements are catered for and a copy of the 4 week rolling menu’s are on display outside the kitchen and on our website.
Nut Policy
As the number of children with nut allergies is increasing we aim to keep the nursery nut free. Parents are asked to remember this when sending any food to nursery, please be particularly vigilant if you are providing cereals which contain nuts such as ‘Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. This also includes creams, sun creams and oils that may contain nut oil as they may have severe consequences for another child.
What to bring
We kindly ask that you provide the following:
- A spare set of clearly labelled clothes (please bring extra if toilet training)
- Nappies if required
- Wet wipes
- Formula feed if required (supplied in clearly labelled bottles)
- Sun hat for the summer months
- Suitable outdoor clothing – coat, all in one waterproofs, hat, gloves and wellingtons for the winter months.
Children should come in normal day clothes. Please avoid ‘designer’/expensive/special clothes as accidents can happen. We encourage children to explore sensory resources (messy play).
Two changes of clothes should be brought in a labelled bag and if your child is becoming independent with their toileting please provide an abundance of underwear, trousers/skirts and tights etc.
Please label your child’s clothes to help avoid items going missing or being misplaced. Unless it has happened negligently Sticky Fingers Daycare Nursery does not accept any responsibility for the loss of property in the nursery.
Please provide all nappies, wet wipes and any creams required including sun cream. If breakfast is required this is to be provided by parents.
Health, Safety & Sickness
Children who are unwell should not attend the nursery. Children who have suffered from sickness or diarrhoea will not be admitted back to nursery within 48 hours of the last episode. Parents must inform the nursery immediately if their child is suffering from any contagious disease, for the benefit of the other children and staff in the nursery we cannot allow very unwell children to attend the nursery, diseases such as chicken pox are easily transferred to others and could be passed on to other children in and around the nursery.
If children are unable to attend the nursery due to illness please could telephone the nursery to inform us at the earliest possible opportunity. If children fall in during the day parents will be contacted to arrange to collect them. If the parents are unavailable other authorised contacts will be called.
In the event of an emergency the child will be taken to the nearest hospital, accompanied by a senior member of staff who will act in ‘loco parentis’ until such a time as a parent arrives.
Medication is only given when prescribed by an appropriate person and with parental permission. At nursery a child is medicated by a level 3 qualified member of staff and will require a parental signature before and after each session.
Emergency Contact
It’s the responsibility of parents to keep us informed of any changes in contact numbers or address details.
Photographs & Publicity
From time to time we photograph the children taking part in their activities. These are shown at on newsletters, on our website, and sometimes in local newspapers. Photographs are kept as evidence of work, they show how the children learn and are little keepsakes of all the fun and activities children experience. If you do NOT wish your child to be photographed or appear on any of the above list please inform the nursery by correctly completing a registration form indicating your wishes.
Notice of Termination
All parents are required to give 1 months’ notice in writing to withdraw their child or reduce their sessions. Immediate cancellation or reduction shall render the parents liable to the normal monthly fee in lieu of notice.
Sticky Fingers Daycare Nursery reserves the right to terminate a child’s place with immediate effect if a serious breach of these terms and conditions occurs or if the termination of a place is considered by the manager, in their absolute discretion to be in the best interests of the nursery and/or the continuing welfare of the other children at the nursery.
Items to Take Home
Learning journeys are offered to take home on a 3 or 4 monthly basis, they include pictures, anecdotes, observations of play and development, next step targets and evaluations/assessments of a child’s learning.
Children also regularly make food items such as cakes and biscuits to take home plus their own personal belongings. We discourage any toys or games to be brought in from home and the nursery does not take any responsibility for the breakage or loss of any play items brought in from home.
Before your child starts
Before your child is left unattended at Sticky Fingers Daycare Nursery we must have in our possession a completed registration form, medicine form and parental permission form.
Dietary & Medical Requirements
Parents must inform the nursery prior to their child attending any special dietary requirements. We must also be informed of all possible allergies/sensitivities and any known causes/triggers. The nursery must also be informed of any common reactions or symptoms. If your child has complex medical needs – including severe dietary needs a separate healthcare form will need to be completed. Parents must keep staff updated, in writing, of any changes or additional health needs.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones must not be used on the premises. This ensures the safety, protection and privacy of the children.
You may end this agreement at any time giving us at least 1 month’s notice in writing.
We may immediately end this agreement if:
- You have failed to pay your fees.
- You have breached any of your obligations under this agreement and you have not, or cannot put right that breach within a reasonable period of time of us asking you to do.
- You behave unacceptably as we will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse towards staff.
- We take the decision to close the nursery. We will give you as much notice as possible of such a decision.
Other Information
Sticky fingers Daycare Nursery may change the terms and conditions:
- Where such changes arises from regulatory issues or changes in legislation affecting the nursery
- Proposed changes in invoicing procedures
Sticky Fingers Daycare Nursery will endeavour to give you at least one month’s written notice of any such changes.
Sticky Fingers Daycare Nursery will not be in breach of these terms or otherwise liable to you by reason of any delay in performance or non-performance of its obligation due to an event outside its reasonable control including ‘Acts of God’, fire, flood, lightening, war, act of terrorism, strikes or other industrial action.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate at any time to speak to the manager or deputy manager.
We have an obligation to report any instances where we consider that a child may have been neglected or abused to the relevant authorities. We may do so without your consent and/or without informing you.
If you have any concerns regarding the services we provide please discuss these with the nursery manager and deputy manager, customer satisfaction is of paramount importance to us and any concerns/complaints will be taken seriously.